Davidoff Cigars is a renowned global brand, synonymous with luxury, sophistication, and unparalleled quality. Established in the 20th century by Zino Davidoff, a visionary entrepreneur from Switzerland, the Davidoff Cigars brand has since gained immense popularity and recognition for its exceptional range of premium cigars. The brand’s origins trace back to Davidoff’s family business in Geneva, where they initially sold tobacco and smoking accessories. The turning point came when Zino Davidoff decided to create his own line of cigars, a decision that catapulted the brand to international fame.
Davidoff Cigars are known for their distinctive blends, which are created by meticulously handpicking and combining fine tobacco leaves from the world’s best tobacco-growing regions. Davidoff Cigars have a reputation for their exceptional craftsmanship, with each cigar beautifully crafted to ensure the perfect draw, uniform burn, and optimal taste. The brand offers a wide array of cigars, each with its unique flavor profile, strength, and size, catering to the varied preferences of cigar connoisseurs worldwide.
One of the best Davidoff cigars offerings is the ‘Davidoff No. 2,’ which Zino himself referred to as one of his favorites. This Davidoff cigar, known for its mild strength and elegant flavor, is a testament to the brand’s dedication to quality and luxury. Apart from this, the brand also offers other popular lines such as the ‘Davidoff Grand Cru,’ ‘Davidoff Signature,’ and ‘Davidoff Aniversario,’ ‘Davidoff Winston Churchill cigars’ each embodying the brand’s commitment to providing an unforgettable smoking experience.
However, Davidoff Cigars is not just about cigars; it’s about a lifestyle. The brand espouses a philosophy of enjoying life to the fullest, encouraging its customers to take a moment to slow down and savor the finer things in life, symbolized by the luxurious experience of enjoying a Davidoff Cigar. This philosophy is evident in the brand’s elegant and sophisticated packaging, their luxurious lounges worldwide, and their commitment to promoting the art of cigar smoking through events and educational initiatives.
Moreover, Davidoff Cigars is committed to sustainable practices and social responsibility. They have made significant efforts to support the communities where their tobacco is grown, promoting fair trade practices and contributing to local development. The brand has also made strides in ensuring the sustainability of their operations, minimizing their environmental impact, and preserving the biodiversity of the regions where they source their tobacco.
In conclusion, Davidoff Cigars is a brand that stands for luxury, quality, and sophistication. Through their exceptional product range, their commitment to sustainability and social responsibility, and their promotion of the art of cigar smoking, Davidoff Cigars continues to set the standard for premium cigars, offering a truly luxurious experience to cigar connoisseurs worldwide.
Davidoff Winston Churchill Cigar Review
The British statesman Winston Churchill left his mark not only in the political world but also in the realm of cigars. He was so well-known for his preference for large Cuban cigars that the brand Romeo y Julieta named a vitola de salida (sales name) after him: the Julieta No. 2 (vitola de galera), commonly referred to as the Romeo y Julieta Churchill.
The first cigar series launched under this name in Germany were Nicaraguan long-fillers sold by the Dannemann company around the turn of the millennium. The brand owner then sold the rights to Oettinger/Davidoff, who in turn introduced the first Winston Churchill cigar by Davidoff Cigars to the market in 2008. This was then discontinued in 2014 due to its rather limited success and replaced by the one presented here.
The packaging design has been completely changed; with the now white outer casing of the boxes and cardboard packages, the connection to Davidoff cigars is unmistakable. Not only the appearance has been altered, but the tobacco blend also underwent a complete revision. The filler is now a blend of five different tobaccos from Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic. The binder is a Mexican tobacco from the San Andres region. The oily, dark brown wrapper comes from Ecuador and imparts a slightly creamy note to the now six different formats. This gives the overall robust cigars a peppery and woody base character with nuances of coffee and nuts.
Country of Origin: Dominican Republic
Size: Toro (6″ x 54)
Strength: Medium
Wrapper: Ecuador Habano
Binder: Mexican San Andres Negro
Filler: Nicaraguan Esteli and Condega, Dominican Piloto and Piloto/Olor hybrid
Construction: Well packed but still has a soft, squishy touch. The wrapper feels like velvet, very soft and finely veiny in shade of mocha.
Draw: Perfect.
Pre-light flavor: Foot: Sweet berries, basement must, and cedar. Cold Draw: White pepper, toast, earth, red pepper spice.
Toasting & Light: Lit very easily.
Initial notes: Very sweet, toasty and creamy. There’s a sweet berry-like flavor with a nutty almond and musty earth note.
Base flavors: Cream, oak, berries, aged tobacco/must, vanilla bean, spice.
Retrohale: Red pepper spice with a creamy sweetness, vanilla bean and a peppery oak.
Aroma: Lightly woody and musty.
Burn / Ash Quality: The Achilles heel to this cigar, the burn went terribly – it canoed everywhere.
Balance of flavors: Very complex, this cigar began light and fruity but ultimately gave way to earthy, oaky, and sweet flavors.
Davidoff Winston Churchill The Late Hour Cigar Review
A rich blend of tobaccos aged in the finest Scotch whisky casks. The cigar is imbued with unique complexity, depth and the most heady flavors, stimulating your palate and conversation at the same time. In its determined quest to create only the finest cigars, Davidoff believes in the importance of time. Taking the precious time to make an exceptional cigar, and taking the time to enjoy that cigar, is at the very heart of Davidoff’s philosophy.
Country of Origin: Dominican Republic
Size: Churchill (7” x 48)
Strength: Full
Wrapper: Ecuador Habano Oscuro
Binder: Mexican San Andres Negro
Filler: Nicaragua/Dominican Republic
Construction: For an Oscuro, a very light color with evident veins, slight tooth and velvety sheen. Hefty in the hand.
Draw: Excellent.
Pre-light flavor: Leather, whiskey malts, cocoa & natural tobacco…some spice on the lips.
Toasting & Light: Quick light, with huge plumes of smoke to start.
First Few Puffs: Charred wood and black pepper are very evident, with those whiskey notes hitting subtly in the background.
Base flavors: Citrus, baked goods, wood, caramel, malt, leather and salt.
Retrohale: Toasted wood and spice.
Aroma: Oaky, with a slight sweet/floral note.
Burn & Ash Quality: Short, grey ash. Very tight burn line with a bit of a wave, but no touch ups necessary.
Balance of flavors: A couple layers of great flavors.
Davidoff Signature Series Cigar Review
Davidoff Signature cigars are the undisputed originals of the cigar world.
Timeless classics and elegant in every sense, the mild Davidoff Signature cigar blend allows fresh floral scents to mingle with earthy, woody notes, revealing a hint of sweetness that leaves a clean, creamy aftertaste. Having stood the test of time, Signature blend represents the very essence of a beautifully fulfilled time.
The Signature line pairs perfectly with elegant drinks such as champagne, where cigar and drink go hand in hand. Even with peaty, smoky whisky, the Davidoff signature cigar accompanies it well without being too dominant.
Country of Origin: Dominican Republic
Size: Petit Corona (4 ½” x 41)
Strength: Medium
Wrapper: Ecuador Connecticut Shade
Binder: Dominican Republic
Filler: Dominican Republic
Construction: Perfect, nice hefty weight and solid construction. The wrapper is oily and gorgeous, an easy 10 out of 10.
Draw: Perfect.
Pre-light flavor: Foot: Cedar wood, barnyard, and pepper. Cold draw: Salted bread, earth, and hay.
Toasting & Light: Very easy.
Initial notes: Lightly peppery, bready and earthy with a light citrus finish.
Base flavors: Cedar, spice, honey, mushroom-like must, earth and bread.
Retrohale: Midway: creamy, slight red pepper spice, orange zest. Final third: White pepper, bread, red pepper spice, mushroom earthiness and cream.
Aroma: Woody and nutty.
Burn / Ash Quality: The ash is a white/gray, slightly flaky but builds nicely. The burn line required an occasional touch up here and there from canoeing.
Balance of flavors: A very sweet, bready and creamy smoke that heavily favors complexity over strength.
Davidoff 50th Anniversary Cigar Review
2021 is the 50th Anniversary of JR Cigar. As such, the company has released a series of cigar to celebrate this achievement. One of the most exciting releases to come out of this was the Davidoff JR 50th Anniversary. It is of course rolled at Davidoff’s factory TABADOM in the Dominican Republic. The blend uses an Ecuadorian wrapper, Mexican Negro San Andrés wrapper, and filler from Dominican Republic and Nicaragua.
Country of Origin: Dominican Republic
Size: Aniversario No.3 (6″ x 50, Toro)
Strength: Medium-Full
Wrapper: Ecuador Connecticut
Binder: Dominican Republic
Filler: Dominican Republic (from multiple harvests)
Construction: First rate.
Draw: Excellent.
Pre-light flavor: Toasty, leathery.
Toasting & Light: Tobaccos take quickly to flame and lights evenly across.
Initial Notes: Earthy with a strong woody component.
Base flavors: Cedar, sweet cream, peppery spice.
Aroma: Sweet wood.
Burn & Ash Quality: Even burn throughout with a dark gray, semi-firm ash.
Balance of flavors: Perfect.
Davidoff 702 Series Cigar Review
Over the last few years, Davidoff has been quite active. They first renamed the Davidoff Core lines, reducing the number of sub-lines to Davidoff Signature, Grand Cru, and Aniversario (from Classic, Aniversario previously, Special, and Mille, Grand Cru). Then they launched a brand-new line named after a limited-edition release from a few years ago: Davidoff 702 Cigar Series.
When we lit up the 702, We got a lot of grassy, sweet hay notes, as well as a hint of cedar and red pepper. At first, the mushroomy Olor tobacco flavors were only a faint background note. Retrohaling the smoke revealed more musty flavors, as well as a greater cedar presence and sharper pepper. There was some citrus and a considerable amount of sweetness in the blend as we proceeded through the first third.
Country of Origin: Dominican Republic
Size: Aniversario No.3 (6″ x 50, Toro)
Strength: Medium
Wrapper: Proprietary Ecuador 702 (a hybrid of 3 Cuban seeds)
Binder: Dominican Republic
Filler: Dominican Republic
Construction: Outstanding. Cigar is solidly packed and seamlessly rolled. (I could barely make out the seams.) Nice weight in hand. Wrapper has some marginally visible veins, an attractive reddish hue, and a satiny feel.
Draw: Excellent.
Pre-light flavor: Leathery.
Toasting & Light: Nice and easy.
Initial Notes: Sweet wood,peppery spice, cedar.
Base flavors: Earth, cedar, oak, sweet tobacco, white pepper.
Aroma: Rich.
Burn & Ash Quality: Excellent. Burn is mostly even with a thin carbon line. Ash is entirely gray and slightly flaky.
Balance of flavors: Perfect.
Conclusion about Davidoff Cigars
In conclusion, Davidoff Cigars are globally recognized for their high-quality craftsmanship, exceptional flavor profiles, and the luxurious smoking experience they provide. Originating in Switzerland, the brand’s reputation for excellence has been cultivated through years of meticulous production processes and an unwavering commitment to quality. The use of superior tobacco blends, sourced from some of the most fertile regions around the world, provides a distinctive, rich flavor that has won the hearts of cigar enthusiasts globally.
The brand’s extensive range offers a cigar for every preference, from the mild and smooth to the bold and robust, each one carefully constructed and aged to perfection. Moreover, the brand’s commitment to sustainability and ethical sourcing further enhances its prestige in the market. While Davidoff Cigars are undoubtedly a premium choice, with a price tag to match, the refined, unrivaled smoking experience they offer makes them worth every penny. Davidoff Cigars are more than just a product; they represent a lifestyle of elegance, sophistication, and true appreciation for the finer things in life. Indeed, the brand’s philosophy of ‘Time Beautifully Filled’ resonates with every puff, offering a moment of indulgence to be savored and remembered. Ultimately, whether you’re a seasoned aficionado or a novice exploring the world of cigars – Davidoff Cigars offer an unmatched experience of luxury and quality.
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