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Oliva Cigars — Brand Overview

Oliva Cigars is a globally renowned cigar brand with a rich heritage that stretches back generations. The brand’s roots are entrenched deeply in the fertile soils of Pinar Del Rio, Cuba, where the Oliva family first established its cigar business in the 1880s. After a series of trials and tribulations that led the family to relocate from Cuba to Spain, Panama, and finally Nicaragua, Oliva Cigars has flourished into a prominent player in the global cigar industry. The brand is known for its commitment to quality, authenticity, and tradition, with every cigar crafted with meticulous attention to detail.

The Oliva Cigar brand’s portfolio includes a variety of ranges, each characterized by its unique flavor profile and strength. Among the brand’s notable offerings is the ‘Serie V,’ a robust blend that provides a deep, complex, and rich flavor, making it a favorite among cigar enthusiasts worldwide. The ‘Serie O’ line is another popular choice, offering a distinct blend of tobaccos from different regions of Nicaragua. Meanwhile, the ‘Serie G’ cigars offer a milder experience with a smooth, creamy flavor that appeals to a broad range of palates.

The Oliva family’s passion for cigar-making is evident in their unwavering commitment to quality. They oversee every step of the production process, from the careful selection and cultivation of tobacco seeds to the meticulous rolling and packaging of the final product. This hands-on approach ensures that every Oliva cigar meets the high standards set by the brand and provides a superior smoking experience.

People often talk about Oliva cigars in reviews, saying they’re some of the best you can find. The price of Oliva cigars, especially series like ‘Serie V’ and ‘Serie G’, shows they’re made well but still affordable. You can buy Oliva cigars in many places, including ‘Flor de Oliva’ cigars and ‘Gilberto Oliva’ cigars, which have their own fans. The ‘Oliva Nub’ cigars and ‘Oliva Cain’ lines offer even more choices. If you’re looking for something special, the ‘Gilberto Oliva Reserva’ and ‘Flor de Oliva Gold’ cigars are worth trying. No matter which one you choose, Oliva cigars are known for being really good and there are plenty for sale, whether you want something crafted by Oliva or just a nice cigar to enjoy.

Oliva Cigars

Oliva Cigars’ dedication to producing premium cigars has not gone unnoticed. The brand has received numerous accolades and awards, including high ratings in Cigar Aficionado and recognition as Nicaragua’s top cigar exporter. Despite its success, Oliva Cigars remains a family-run business, maintaining its commitment to tradition, quality, and authenticity.

In addition to producing exceptional cigars, Oliva Cigars also makes a significant contribution to the communities where it operates. The brand is a major employer in Estelí, Nicaragua, providing jobs and supporting local economic development.

Despite the challenges and changes the brand has faced over the years, Oliva Cigars remains true to its roots. The brand continues to build on its heritage, combining traditional cigar-making techniques with innovative approaches to meet the evolving tastes and preferences of cigar enthusiasts worldwide. From the rich, fertile soils of Nicaragua to the hands of discerning cigar aficionados around the globe, Oliva Cigars continues to deliver an unmatched smoking experience, one cigar at a time.

In the world of premium cigars, Oliva Cigars stands as a testament to the art of cigar-making. Its story is one of passion, perseverance, and unwavering commitment to quality. Through its exceptional range of cigars, Oliva Cigars invites every cigar aficionado to partake in its rich heritage and enjoy the fruits of its labor. From the carefully selected tobacco leaves to the expertly crafted final product, every Oliva cigar is a celebration of tradition, authenticity, and the art of enjoying life’s finer pleasures.

In conclusion, Oliva Cigars is a brand that epitomizes excellence in cigar-making. Its range of premium cigars, characterized by their superior quality and distinct flavor profiles, has endeared the brand to cigar enthusiasts worldwide. The brand’s unwavering commitment to quality, tradition, and authenticity, coupled with its innovative approach to meeting the evolving tastes of cigar lovers, makes it a standout player in the global cigar industry. With a rich heritage that dates back over a century, Oliva Cigars is a brand that combines history and tradition with an unrelenting passion for excellence. Its story is a testament to the enduring appeal of premium cigars, making it a brand truly worth savoring.

Oliva Serie V 135th Anniversary

Oliva Serie V 135th Anniversary

Country of Origin: Nicaragua
Size: 5½”x 54 Perfecto
Strength: Full
Wrapper: Nicaraguan Habano Sun Grown
Binder: Nicaraguan
Filler: Nicaraguan

Construction: Dark brown, well-rolled, and with a uniquely tapered shape that provides a dynamic smoking session.
Draw: Perfect.
Pre-light flavor: Dark fruit, spices, and wood.
Toasting & Light: Surprisingly tame with a big emphasis on coffee.
Base flavors: Coffee, brown sugar, earth, and natural tobacco sweetness.
Retrohale: Stout notes of pepper with sweeter undertones of tobacco.
Aroma: Warm, spicy, and reminiscent of nutmeg.
Burn & Ash Quality: Excellent burn and ash, no issues.

Oliva Serie V Cigar Review

Country of Origin: Nicaragua
Size: Torpedo (6″ x 56)
Strength: Full
Wrapper: Nicaraguan Habano Sun Grown
Filler: Nicaraguan Jalapa Valley Ligero
Binder: Nicaragua

Construction and Overall Appearance: Excellent. The wrapper is entirely even in milk chocolate color with some vein marbling, but no obtrusive veins. The cigar is well-packed with no soft spots. Cap is multi-seamed and well-applied.
Draw: Excellent.
Pre-light flavor (cold draw): A faint hint of leather.
First few puffs: Sweet and creamy with a peppery finish.
Base flavors: Tangy citrus, earthy spice, charred oak, pepper.
Aroma: Spicy
Burn / Ash Quality: Excellent. Burn is exceptionally even and well-paced with a thin carbon line. Ash is quite firm with marbled grey colors.
Balance of flavors: Excellent.

Oliva Serie V Melanio Cigar Review

Oliva Serie V Melanio Cigar Review

Country of Origin: Nicaragua
Size: Robusto (5″ x 52)
Strength: Full
Wrapper: Ecuador Sumatra
Filler: Nicaragua
Binder: NicaraguConstruction and Overall Appearance: Even though the chocolatey brown wrapper has slight mottling, it is satiny, smooth and beautiful – the slight box-press is nice.
Draw: Excellent, with just a hint of resistance.
Pre-light flavor: Semi-sweet chocolate, and very salty on the prelight
Toasting & Light: Mucho Ligero – takes a bit to get it started.
Base flavors: Coffee, wood, leather and spice. It gets sweet, too.
Retrohale: Got a big snootful of pepper up in there, plus a charred oak sensation.
Aroma: It seemed surprisingly mellow to me.
Burn / Ash Quality: Burn line never really got straight, but never needed a touch up; had an almost-solid grey ash. Well made.

Oliva Serie V Melanio Maduro Cigar Review

Country of Origin: Nicaragua
Size: Robusto (5″ x 52)
Strength: Full
Wrapper: San Andres Maduro
Filler: Nicaragua
Binder: Nicaragua

Construction and Overall Appearance: Again, we have a satiny, smooth wrapper – slightly box-pressed, but with no color variations whatsoever. This Maduro is only a hair darker than the natural Serie V Melanio.
Draw: A little tight.
Pre-light flavor: Thin flavors of earth and coffee.
Toasting & Light: Again, lots of Ligero, plus a charcoal type taste upon lighting up.
Base flavors: Dry spices, earth, leather and nut/seed.
Retrohale: I got a big rush of red pepper this time – a real eye-opener.
Aroma: Nice room note, and a little sweeter than the other Melanio.
Burn / Ash Quality: Excellent – tight white ash, burn line was straight and true.

Oliva Serie G Cigar Review

Country of Origin: Nicaraguan
Size: Torpedo (6½” x 52)
Strength: Medium
Wrapper: Cameroon
Filler: Nicaraguan Habano
Binder: Nicaragua

Draw: Excellent
Pre-Light: Sweet and cinnamon-y
First Few Puffs: Very Nutty
Aroma: Slightly sweet
Burn/Ash Quality: Solid, perfect, light gray
Balance of Flavors: Slight complexity

Conclusion about Oliva cigars

After thoroughly analyzing Oliva cigars, it’s clear they’re renowned for their superior quality, consistency, and rich flavors, earning a huge following worldwide. Oliva’s strict quality control and careful aging of tobacco leaves ensure cigars that are not only good-looking but provide an exceptional smoking experience. Their range, including the full-bodied Serie V Melanio with complex tastes and the smoother Connecticut Reserve, caters to all preferences. Oliva has received numerous awards, such as Cigar of the Year, showcasing their excellence. Their sales and popularity among both aficionados and beginners reflect their success. Additionally, the Oliva cigars price spectrum is broad, making them accessible to more people. Beyond the cigars, Oliva is praised for excellent customer service and providing educational resources to customers. The best Oliva Cigars are lines like Flor de Oliva cigars, Gilberto Oliva cigars, Oliva V Cigars Series, and Oliva Cain cigars, plus special editions like Flor de Oliva Gold cigars and Gilberto Oliva Reserva cigars, demonstrates a commitment to tradition, craftsmanship, and innovation, securing its spot as a top choice for cigar enthusiasts.

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