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Padron Cigars — Brand Overview

Padron Cigars is a highly esteemed brand in the world of premium cigars, renowned for its commitment to quality and excellence. Founded in 1964 by Jose Orlando Padron, a Cuban exile in Miami, the brand initially started with a humble production of hand-rolled cigars out of a tiny shop. Today, it has evolved into an internationally acclaimed cigar brand with a wide range of offerings that cater to the taste of discerning cigar enthusiasts around the globe. All Padron cigars are made using a painstakingly meticulous process, from the cultivation of tobacco plants to the rolling of the cigars, ensuring that each product is a masterpiece in itself.
One can find a variety of taste profiles in the Padron cigars range, from the medium-bodied Padron cigars to the full-bodied Padron Cigars 1964 Anniversary series and Padron Cigars 1926 series, all of which are characterized by their distinct blend of flavors and rich aroma. The brand also offers an exclusive Padron Family Reserve Cigar line which is released annually in limited quantities, offering a unique and luxurious smoking experience.

The best Padron cigars, including the Padron Cigars 1964 Anniversary, Padron Damaso, Padron Cigars 1926, Padron Family Reserve Cigars, Padron 50th Anniversary, Padron Maduro, Padron 1926 Serie, and Padron 1964 Anniversary Maduro, are celebrated for their unparalleled quality and craftsmanship.

The Padron cigar brand has been awarded numerous accolities in the cigar industry, reflecting its exceptional quality and craftsmanship. It has been recognized multiple times in the ‘Top 25 Cigars of the Year’ by Cigar Aficionado magazine, and the Padron 1926 Cigars No. 9 has even been honored as the ‘Number One Cigar of the Year’. These accolades are a testament to the brand’s relentless pursuit of perfection and commitment to delivering an extraordinary smoking experience.
Despite its growth and success, Padron Cigars has remained a family business, with three generations of the Padron family involved in its operations. The brand upholds its founder’s philosophy of patience in the creation of every cigar, ensuring that no corners are cut in the process. This adherence to tradition and quality has helped Padron Cigars maintain its reputation as a top-tier cigar brand, delivering consistently superior products to its customers.,

Padron Cigars review

Padron Cigars prides itself on being a ‘puro’ brand, meaning all its cigars are made exclusively from Nicaraguan tobacco. This is a choice made by Jose Orlando Padron, who believed in the superior quality and flavor profile of Nicaraguan tobacco. The company owns its own tobacco farms in different regions of Nicaragua, allowing it to carefully control every aspect of its production, from seed to cigar.

At the heart of Padron Cigars’ success is its unwavering commitment to quality over quantity. Every cigar is hand-rolled by highly skilled artisans who have spent years mastering their craft, and each cigar is individually inspected to ensure it meets the brand’s rigorous standards. This dedication to craftsmanship is reflected in the unparalleled quality and consistency of Padron cigars, which have earned them a loyal following among cigar aficionados worldwide.

In conclusion, Padron Cigars is a brand that stands tall in the world of premium cigars, respected for its dedication to quality, craftsmanship, and tradition. Its range of offerings caters to a variety of tastes and preferences, each characterized by a unique blend of flavors and a rich, satisfying aroma. With a storied history, a commitment to excellence, and a passion for the art of cigar-making, Padron Cigars continues to set the bar high in the premium cigar industry.

Padron Cigars Thousand Series Cigar Review (Natural)

Explore the distinctive essence of the Padron Cigar Series, also known as the Padrón Thousand (1000) Series, an embodiment of medium to full-bodied brilliance meticulously crafted from an exclusive selection of Nicaraguan tobaccos. This series encompasses a wide spectrum of fifteen sizes, each meticulously hand-rolled to precision, showcasing the family’s unwavering commitment to excellence. Rooted in tradition and artistry, the Padron Cigar Series is a testament to the brand’s dedication to delivering cigars of exceptional quality. Crafted with sun-grown tobacco, each leaf is aged for a minimum of one and a half years, resulting in a refined flavor profile that reflects the passage of time and the Padron family’s enduring expertise.

With over 125 years of heritage, Padrón Cigars understand that the journey to crafting a remarkable cigar requires patience, skill, and a deep appreciation for the craft. The Padron Series stands as a reflection of this commitment, capturing the essence of their legacy. Whether you’re an aficionado or a newcomer to the world of cigars, the Padron Cigar Series offers an opportunity to indulge in the culmination of decades of dedication. Immerse yourself in the artistry and construction that defines this exceptional blend. Experience the richness of the Padron Series and savor the culmination of tradition and craftsmanship in every draw.

Country of Origin: Nicaragua
Size: 6000 (5 ½ x 52 Torpedo)
Strength: Full
Wrapper: Nicaragua
Filler: Nicaragua
Binder: Nicaragua
Presentation: Box of 26

Construction and Overall Appearance: Chocolate brown wrapper, slightly toothy. The overall weight and construction has a nice feel, but with a little squishiness right in the middle.
Draw: Very easy.
Pre-light flavor: Earth and chocolate with rich tobacco, plus leather and a fragrant wood note on the foot. Pre-light draw is bready, woody and peppery with a slight hay and earth note.
Toasting & Light: Toasty, nutty, and very woody.
Base flavors: Creamy-sweet with cedar wood, black coffee, leather, earth, and white pepper.
Retrohale: First retrohale was very sweet with nut and cedar. The second was almost salty with the same cedar and leather, while the final was surprisingly savory with white pepper, leather and cedar.
Aroma: Cedar wood and white pepper
Burn / Ash Quality: Ash was very tight, only one issue in re-lighting around the second third.
Balance of flavors: Nicely balanced mix of sweet and dark flavors.
Consistency: A complex smoke whose core flavors were present throughout.

General Observations:
Right off the bat a toasty sweetness with a nutty and woody component; after the first few puffs, there’s a general sweetness followed by some tanginess, earth, black coffee, and cedar. Retrohale is very sweet, woody with a nice rush of white pepper.

At 2/3 it’s more creamy, sweet and woody notes with coffee and leather in the background. Sweetness dissipates and the notes of cedar, black coffee, earth and white pepper become more apparent. Ash is solid.

The last third, the sweetness is now a mere pleasant aftertaste while cedar, leather, coffee and cocoa dominate.

Padron Cigars Thousand Series Cigar Review (Maduro)

There are literally hundreds, if not thousands, of cigar brands on today’s market. We are blessed to live in a day and age where the world of cigars is bigger and better than ever before. With those mounds of brands, whether discount or premium, come varying degrees of quality, consistency, and overall enjoyability, all three factors directly relating to the overall opinion of the individual smoker, it’s not so easy to pick a favorite these days. Despite the vast array of fine cigars to choose from, however, only a handful of names reside in the category of «legendary.» Padron is one such brand, and in the opinion of many, they reside at the very top.

Padron Cigars Thousand Series Cigar

Country of Origin: Nicaragua
Size: 6000 (5 ½ x 52 Torpedo)
Strength: Full
Wrapper: Nicaragua
Filler: Nicaragua
Binder: Nicaragua
Presentation: Box of 26
Construction and Overall Appearance: Flawless construction and appearance. The wrapper is a dark, chocolate brown and fairly rustic looking with two large veins.
Draw: Perfect
Pre-light flavor: Wrapper and foot have the same smell of rich earth and cocoa as the Natural version, but it’s more intense here in the maduro. Pre-light draw is nutty, peppery, and has a fruit-like sweetness with leather and cedar as well.
Toasting & Light: Initially very cedar-woody, leathery and a slight nut- like a walnut, with a peppery finish.
Base flavors: Caramel, cedar, coffee, cocoa, leather, and white pepper.
Retrohale: White pepper followed by a very sweet toastiness plus a hint of roasted nut.
Aroma: Woody and earthy.
Burn / Ash Quality: Slight flagging present, but quickly fixed. The ash is snow-white and holds steady.
Balance of flavors: Very well balanced, every flavor note is complementary.

General Observations: After the first few puffs there’s a definite fruit-like sweetness that reminds me of dark cherries, plus complementing notes of leather, black coffee, and black pepper. The smoke is extremely rich, a combo of dark cocoa, sweet coffee, leather, nuts, and wood. The full body is definitely prominent. The retrohale meshes white pepper and caramel-like sweetness together perfectly, with cedar and leather in the background. Quick relight at the last third; otherwise, construction holds well. Caramel is the main flavor with cedar, coffee, and leather riding right behind and white peppery aftertaste. The final third, while intensely flavorful, focused on a woody/sweet combo that had me salivating with the dark coffee and leather still in tow. Very creamy and satisfying.

Padrón 1964 Anniversary Cigar Review (Natural)

Indulge in the timeless elegance and mastery of the Padron Cigars 1964 Anniversary Series Maduro & Natural, a medium to full-bodied box-pressed blend that commemorates the company’s remarkable 30-year journey. This exquisite collection features the finest Sun Grown Natural and Maduro wrappers, carefully chosen to encapsulate the essence of luxury and sophistication. Crafted with the utmost precision and passion, Padron Cigars 1964 series is a harmonious fusion of exclusive premium Nicaraguan tobacco leaves, blended to perfection to deliver an unparalleled smoking experience. With sixteen different sizes available, this series caters to the diverse tastes and preferences of every cigar aficionado, ensuring a perfect match for every discerning palate.

Every cigar within the Padron Cigars 1964 Anniversary Series is adorned with a signature double band, featuring an individual label number, serving as a testament to Padron’s unwavering commitment to quality and specialty. This meticulous detail guarantees the authenticity and superiority of each stogie, protecting enthusiasts from counterfeit attempts. Immerse yourself in the world of premium cigars and embrace the celebration of Padron’s legacy with the Padron Cigars 1964 Anniversary Series. For the discerning cigar aficionado looking for the epitome of craftsmanship and refinement. Unlock the unparalleled charm and indulgence of these remarkable cigars and experience the true essence of luxury. Embrace the celebration and be part of the Padron legacy with every puff. Buy the Padron Cigars 1964 Anniversary Series and embark on a journey of taste and sophistication today!

Country of Origin: Nicaragua
Size: Exclusivo (5½ x 50 Box Pressed Robusto)
Strength: Full
Wrapper: Nicaragua
Filler: Nicaragua
Binder: Nicaragua
Presentation: Box of 25
Construction and Overall Appearance: Excellent. Box pressing is good with slightly rounded corners. Wrapper is an even milk-chocolate hue from head to toe with a triple seam cap. Seams are tight, with no protruding veins, soft spots, or bumps; slightly toothy with a velvety-like feel in the hand.
Draw: Excellent.
Pre-light flavor (cold draw): Very slightly grassy and leathery.
First few puffs: Creamy smooth and sweet with a peppery note.
Retrohale: Smooth with some pepper and a floral note.
Base flavors: Earth, charred wood, pepper, sweet tobacco, espresso.
Aroma: Sharp.
Burn / Ash Quality: Excellent. Burn line was micro-thin and even all the way. Ash was firm, mostly grey in color, and tapped-off in even 1/2-inch nuggets.
Balance of flavors: Perfect.


I tend to smoke more Padron cigars in maduro than natural, so this one was a wake-up call in the sense that I found it to be more peppery than expected. However, there were other flavors floating around that balanced this cigar out. This cigar opened-up at just about the midpoint where notes of sweet tobacco, charred wood and earth got to mingle, while the finish left a smattering of pepper on the palate. The smoke also became chewier and more voluminous at this stage. The biggest surprise was that I didn’t encounter this Padrón’s patent cocoa and coffee bean character, which you also often taste in the cold draw, but I did catch some espresso notes and more sweetness coming through in the latter stages.

Padrón 1964 Anniversary Maduro Cigar Review

The Padrón family continues to impress the cigar world with their complex, flavorful and eminently balanced cigars. Family patriarch José Orlando Padrón began making cigars under his name in 1964. His original efforts were made solely for his fellow Cubans living in Miami. His son Jorge began expanding the company’s sales to new markets, and the 1994 introduction of the Padrón Cigars 1964 Anniversary Series took the brand to new heights, making them a must-have in the humidors of top cigar shops. The Exclusivo size is a bit thinner than the typical corona gorda, and longer than the typical robusto. The smokes are packed with Nicaraguan tobaccos from Jalapa, Condega and Estelí, all of it grown in the open sunlight. Then they are sharply pressed in a distinctive style. In maduro wrapper, the cigar is dark, with that trademark rich Padrón cocoa flavor. The Padróns have never failed to have a cigar in Cigar Aficionado’s top five, and have won Cigar of the Year on several occasions.

Country of Origin: Nicaragua
Size: Exclusivo (5½ x 50 Box Pressed Robusto)
Strength: Medium, Medium-Full
Wrapper: Nicaragua
Filler: Nicaragua
Binder: Nicaragua
Presentation: Box of 25
Construction and Overall Appearance: Excellent. Box pressed with slightly rounded corners. Wrapper is an even dark-chocolate hue with a triple seam cap. Seams are virtually invisible; no protruding veins or soft spots. Wrapper texture is smooth and velvety.
Draw: Very good.
Pre-light flavor (cold draw): Aaah! There’s that coffee & cocoa bean note.
First few puffs: Very peppery (scooted right up into the olfactories), plus notes of earth and charred wood.
Retrohale: Surprisingly smooth.
Base flavors: Earth, wood, caramel, cocoa, roasted coffee, white pepper
Aroma: Sweet.
Burn / Ash Quality: Excellent. Burn is dead-even. Ash is dark grey and quite firm. First ash succumbed to gravity at just over an inch.
Balance of flavors: Again, excellent.

After a very peppery first half-inch, the cigar settled down and turned to a mostly smooth and creamy smoke with notes of cocoa, coffee, some earth, and caramel. The pepper was barely noticeable after the first inch, but for a little splash of it on the finish. The cigar sweetened-up even more at the midpoint, but the smoke also intensified and thickened, bringing along with it more earthy-woody notes.

Padron Cigars

F75 by Padron Cigars Review – Famous 75th Anniversary Edition (Maduro)

To celebrate its 75th anniversary, Famous Smoke Shop in Easton, Pa. turned to one of the biggest names in the cigar industry for a store-exclusive release: Padrón. Last month, the store released the Famous 75th Padrón Cigars 1926 Serie, which comes in a 5 x 54 box pressed robusto vitola and is available in either a Nicaraguan habano or Nicaraguan habano maduro wrapper. 1,500 boxes of each version are being produced, with box prices set at $210 and single stick prices at $21.

Country of Origin: Nicaragua
Size: Box Pressed Robusto (5 x 54)
Strength: Full
Wrapper: Nicaragua
Filler: Nicaragua
Binder: Nicaragua
Presentation: Box of 10

Construction and Overall Appearance: As above, no noticeable flaws. Maduro wrapper is toothy, with a tight seam.
Draw: Perfect
Pre-light flavor: Chocolate and woody.
Toasting & Light: Moderate toasting needed to get it started; lots of smoke output.
Base flavors: Chocolate, espresso, sweet spice and leather.
Retrohale: Bold and spicy.
Aroma: Leather and chocolate hangs in the air.
Burn / Ash Quality: Good burn, required just a few touch ups; light grey ash.
Balance of flavors: Sweet/spicy/nutty, with some chocolate in there.
Consistency: Flavor was abundant, with mouthfuls of smoke and spice. Actually mellowed to a medium-to-full smoothness in the second half, and maintained a smooth, spicy smoke through the nub.

General Observations:

Well-constructed, full body, full flavored, spicy with chocolate sweetness. Lots of nicotine.

Conclusion about Padron cigars

In conclusion, Padron cigars have a rich history and a well-deserved reputation for being one of the finest cigars available in the market. Originating in Cuba and later established in Nicaragua, the Padron family has been able to maintain the quality and consistency of their cigars for decades, earning them several accolades and a loyal following of cigar aficionados. Each Padron cigar is handcrafted with meticulous attention to detail, using sun-grown habano aged for a minimum of two and a half years. This results in a distinct, complex flavor profile and a smooth, satisfying smoke that is both enjoyable and memorable. Moreover, the Padron family ensures that each cigar undergoes rigorous quality checks before it is sold, further cementing their commitment to providing a superior product. Their range of offerings, from the classic Padron Cigars Series to the more premium Padron Cigars 1964 Anniversary Series, caters to a variety of preferences and price points, making it accessible to both seasoned cigar smokers and newcomers to the world of cigars. Ultimately, the Padron Cigars brand is synonymous with excellence, tradition, and a steadfast dedication to the art of cigar making. This legacy, combined with their relentless pursuit of quality, sets Padron cigars apart in an increasingly competitive industry. Whether one is seeking a daily smoke or a special occasion cigar, Padron offers an unparalleled experience that is sure to delight the senses and elevate any cigar smoking occasion.

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